Shoulder Relief Girth™

A Girth that Improves Saddle Fit

The Shoulder Relief Girth™ actually changes the position and angle of the billets to prevent the saddle from interfering with the shoulder.   The center of the girth is set forward to sit in the horse’s natural girth groove. While the sides of the girth are cut back to meet the billets 2 inches behind where the horse’s natural girth groove lies. This brings the billets from angling forward, to becoming perpendicular to the ground (in the case of a forward girth groove horse), which reduces the saddle’s tendency to be pulled forward into the shoulders. With horses that have shoulder interference without angled billets, it simply moves the billets back to keep the saddle farther away from the shoulders.

The secondary benefit to this shape, is that it is cutback at the elbows. This gives more room for elbow movement as well, and prevents galls in the elbow area.

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Intelligent design allows for full range of shoulder motion under saddle.



Recessed ends move girth away from horse’s elbow for additional comfort.



Multiple riders at the Rio Olympics, Rolex Kentucky and the Pan Am Games used the Shoulder Relief Girth.



Sensitive horse? Get a black or white cover to complement your girth. Cover sold separately.

How It Works


Traditional Girth Saddle Placement

When you walk next to your horse you will see his shoulder moving as he reaches his leg forward.  His scapula actually rotates backward as the front leg moves forward.  This is because of the point of connection where the soft tissue attaches to the scapula. Traditional girths bring the saddle too far forward causing the saddle to block the natural movement of the shoulder.

This is due to a basic physics problem: the girth pulls the billets forward, which then pulls the whole saddle into the shoulders (even on properly fitting saddles).


Shoulder Relief Girth™ Saddle Placement

Due to the natural movement of the horse, he actually needs an additional 1-2 inches of clearance. The Shoulder Relief Girth™ is designed with a 2 inch offset to allow maximum shoulder clearance. It fixes the physics problem by utilizing the offset in the girth to redirect the billet line and prevent the saddle from being pulled forward.

In addition to the offset design, there is also additional elbow clearance with the cutback feature.

How It Works

Shoulder Relief Girth In Action

Improve Your Horse's Performance With The Shoulder Relief Girth

"My clients and I love your girths!"

-Paula - Redmond, WA

"Our horses love them and we love how much freedom they give their shoulders. Everyone is commenting on how beautiful and well-made they are as well. You guys are making an amazing product!"

-Hillary - Bellingham, WA

"I just ordered and received two of the shoulder freedom girths - I love them!!! And so do my horses -both of my big horses go totally different and the saddle sits properly. Both horses are totally different and different breeds."

-Barbara - Valley View, TX